You can view my CV here, my OrcID here, and my Twitter here.

Most of my recent publications are open access and available for anyone, but please feel free to contact me for copies of my publications or presentations!
Articles and chapters
Keevallik, L., Hofstetter, E., Löfgren, A., & Wiggins, S. (2024). Repetition for real-time coordination of action: lexical and non-lexical vocalizations in collaborative time management. Discourse Studies. DOI: 10.1177/14614456231224079
Hofstetter, E. (2024). A novice query for the unique adequacy requirement. Qualitative Research. DOI: 10.1177/14687941221132959
Katila, J., Hofstetter, E., & Keevallik, L. (2023). Cries of Pleasure and Pain: Vocalizations Communicating How Touch Feels in Romantic Relationships. Research on Language & Social Interaction, 56(4), 330-349. DOI: 10.1080/08351813.2023.2272529
Hofstetter, E. & Robles, J. (2023). Metagaming and multiactivity: How board game players deal with progressivity. Haddington et al. (eds.) Complexity in interaction.
Pelikan, H. R. M., & Hofstetter, E. (2023). Managing Delays in Human-Robot Interaction. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction DOI: 10.1145/3569890
Keevallik, L., Hofstetter, E., Weatherall, A., & Wiggins, S. (2023). Sounding others’ sensations in interaction. Discourse Processes, 60(1), 73–91. DOI: 10.1080/0163853X.2023.2165027
Keevallik, L. & Hofstetter, E. (2023). Sounding for others: Vocal resources for embodied togetherness, Language & Communication, 90, 33-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2023.02.002
Hofstetter, E. & Keevallik, L. (2023). Prosody is used for real-time exercising of other bodies, Language & Communication, 88, 52-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2023.02.002
Löfgren, A. & Hofstetter, E. (2023[2021]). Introversive semiosis in action: Depictions in opera rehearsals. Social Semiotics. DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2021.1907180
Hofstetter, E., Keevallik, L. & Löfgren, A. (2021). Suspending syntax: Bodily strain and progressivity in talk. Frontiers in Communication, 6, 663307. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.663307
Hofstetter, E. & Keevallik, L. (2021). “More than meets the eye”: Accessing senses in social interaction [Invited commentary]. Social Interaction: Video-based Studies of Human Sociality.
Hofstetter, E. (2021). Analyzing the researcher-participant in EMCA. Social Interaction: Video-based Studies of Human Sociality, 4(2). DOI: 10.7146/si.v4i2.127185
Hofstetter, E. (2021). Achieving pre-allocation: Turn transition practices in board games. Discourse Processes, 58(2), 113-133. DOI: 10.1080/0163853X.2020.1816401
Alexander, M. & Hofstetter, E. (2021). Somewhere to turn to: Signposting in service provision. Discourse & Communication, 15(2), 119-138. DOI: 10.1177/1750481320982091
Hofstetter, E. (2021). Sequence organization: Understanding what drives talk. In A. de Fina and A. Georgakopoulou (eds.) Handbook of Discourse Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hofstetter, E. (2020) Non-lexical ‘moans’: Response cries in board game interaction. Research on Language & Social Interaction. 53(1), 42-65. DOI: 10.1080/08351813.2020.1712964
Hofstetter, E. (2020). Thinking with the body: Embodying thinking as a practice in board games. In S. Wiggins & K. Osvaldsson (eds) Embodiment and discursive psychology. (pp.247-.273). London: Palgrave.
Hofstetter, E. and Robles, J. (2019). Manipulation in board game interactions: Being a sporting player. Symbolic Interaction, 42(2), 301-320. DOI: 10.1515/text-2018-0014
Hofstetter, E. and Stokoe, E. (2018). Getting service at the constituency office: Analyzing citizens’ encounters with their Member of Parliament. Text & Talk, 38(5), 551-573. DOI: 10.1515/text-2018-0014
Albert, S., Albury, C., Alexander, M., Harris, T., Hofstetter, E., Holmes, T. and Stokoe, E. (2018). The conversation rollercoaster: Live conversation analysis as a means for public engagement at the New Scientist Live Festival. Discourse Studies, 20(3), 397-424. DOI: 10.1177/1461445618754571 [With commentary]
Hofstetter, E. and Stokoe, E. (2018) Making the political relevant: How constituents and Members of Parliament raise political topics at constituency surgeries. In Kranert, M. and Horan, G. (eds) ‘Doing politics’: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
Hofstetter, E. (2016). [Review of the book Talking About Troubles in Conversation by Gail Jefferson. Edited by Paul Drew, John Heritage, Gene Lerner, and Anita Pomerantz]. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20(1), 117-120. DOI: 10.1111/josl.12168
Hofstetter, E. and Stokoe, E. (2015). Offers of assistance in politician-constituent interaction. Discourse Studies, 17(6), 724-751. DOI: 10.1177/1461445615602376
Selected peer-review conferences
Nomikou, I. & Hofstetter, E. (2023). Exploring the sociality of infant strain sounds in naturalistic interaction.. Many Paths to Language Conference, Max Planck Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Hofstetter, E. & Keevallik, L. [Panel convenors] (2023). Exertion and strain in interaction. ICCA, Brisbane Australia.
Hofstetter, E. (2021). Interactionally situating the power scream: Bodily motivated vocalizations. IPrA, Switzerland.
Hofstetter, E. & Keevallik, L. [Panel convenors] (2021). Nonlexical vocalizations and multisensoriality. IPrA, Switzerland.
Hofstetter, E. (2020). Interactionally situating the power scream: Bodily motivated vocalizations. Linguistweets, online.
Hofstetter, E. & Robles, J. (2020) Metagaming and multiactivity: How board game players deal with progressivity. ICA. Digital conference due to coronavirus. [On Top Papers panel]
Alexander, M., Hofstetter, E. & Stokoe, E. (2019). These aren’t the agencies you are looking for: A comparative analysis of signposting in service provision. IIEMCA, Mannheim, Germany.
Hofstetter, E. (2019). What goes up must come down: Shifting in and out of falls in rock climbing. COACT, Oulu, Finland.
Hofstetter, E. (2019). ‘Thinking’ with the body and voice during game turns. Herbstakademie, Freiburg, Germany.
Hofstetter, E. (2018). Non-lexical ‘moans’: Response cries in board game interaction. ICCA, Loughborough, UK.
Robles, J. and Hofstetter, E. (2018). Manipulation in board game interactions: Accountability, timing, and morality. ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
Robles, J. and Hofstetter, E. (2017). Moral dimensions of ascribing intention in board game interaction. NCA, Dallas, USA.
Selected workshops given
Hofstetter, E. (2019, April). Thinking, visibility, and ontology questions. Presentation at Ulster University, School of Communication and Media, Belfast, United Kingdom. [Invited]
Hofstetter, E. (2019, March). Making the (ostensibly) invisible, visible. Presentation at Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, Linköping, Sweden. [Invited]
Hofstetter, E. (2017, September). Talking safety: Training based on conversational research for health and safety staff. Leicester University, September 20.
Hofstetter, E. & Stokoe, S. (2017, June). Talking safety: CARM workshop for Health and Safety professionals. Warwick Innovation Centre, June 16.
Hofstetter, E. & Stokoe, S. (2017). Talking safety: CARM workshop for Health and Safety professionals. Loughborough University, May 16-17.
Hofstetter, E. (2017, October). Talking safety: Initial findings of interaction research on Health and Safety conversations. Loughborough University, Oct. 26.
Hofstetter, E. (2016, May). How encryption works and tools to encrypt data. Workshop for the LiQUiD Lab Qualitative Research Group, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Hofstetter, E. (2016). Citizens getting help: Interactions at the constituency office. Loughborough University. Examiners Paul Drew & Mats Ekström.